Anatomy of Hearing, Speech and Language

Course Code
ECTS Credits
1st and 2nd Semester
Course Category

Compulsory option

Compulsory option

Course Description

Given that the purpose of the course is to introduce students to the anatomy of the hearing, speech and language systems, they are expected to understand and be able to handle the terminology of anatomy and the basic anatomical structures involved in communication. More specifically, they will be able to identify and describe the anatomical structures associated with the basic speech production systems (breathing, phonation, resonance and articulation), also describe their physiology and how they develop over the human lifespan. In addition, they will understand and be able to describe the anatomical structures involved in hearing and the general physiology of swallowing. Finally, through this knowledge students will be able to better understand a range of communication disorders involving the relevant anatomical structures in the context of other courses.